March 26, 2020
Please click on the link below to see today's Spartanaity- Day 6 Spartaniaty- Day 6

March 25, 2020
Please click on the link below to see today's Spartanaity. Spartanaity- Day 5

March 24, 2020
Good Morning Greenville High School! Please click on the link below to see today's Spartanaity ... Spartanaity- Day 4

March 23, 2020
It is important that we continue to be Spartan STRONG regardless of where we are. We will post a weekly choice board with different ways to demonstrate the STRONG traits. Keep us ...

March 20, 2020
Good Morning Greenville High School! Today is a "B" day. Please stand for the pledge of allegiance....(I know, it pales in comparison to Mrs. Statham, but I'll keep trying!!)

March 16, 2020
School Cancellation Updates and At-Home Learning Resources

January 27, 2020
Senior Baillie Kappel will sing with the HS Honors Performance Series choir at Carnegie Hall on February 2nd. She will rehearse and perform under master conductor Dr. Jeffery Redd...

January 22, 2020
GCS is Looking for Your Feedback How are our students doing? What do you enjoy about your child’s school? What is working/not working? What do we want Greenville to look like...
December 5, 2019
Congratulations to the Middle School students who achieved honor and merit roll during the first quarter of the school year! MS Honor Roll Quarter 1
November 21, 2019
Click here to check out the student journalism blog - Maroon Report!Click here for the student journalism blog - Maroon Report

November 1, 2019
Mark Gustavson from KathodeRay Media Inc. saw our production of The Addams Family in April, and thought of our student musicians when asked to produce a radio commercial for G...

October 21, 2019
Members of the Greenville FFA attended the New York State Fair and participated in various events. The events were Dairy Handling, Dairy Evaluating, Livestock Judging, and Horse J...

October 21, 2019
Every year the Greenville FFA attends FFA Camp at Croghan, NY. This year thirty-one students and two Advisors from Greenville attended the six day trip. At camp there are various ...

October 21, 2019
Our faculty, staff, and students are proud to welcome our new Freshman Class of 2023! The students were able to have a little fun in school before the school year started at ninth...

October 21, 2019
At the Superintendent’s Conference Day held on September 3rd, we celebrated two employees who have been with our District for a milestone twenty-five (25) years. The success of ou...